Friday, January 10, 2014

Does Mary distract or detract from our love of Jesus?

This is a very important topic that I have discussed with both concerned Protestants and Catholics. As a Catholic, this is a very important topic because of the prominent role Mary plays in our Catholic faith. I don't pretend to have the perfect theological answer to this question, but I will share a reflection I had while sitting on my deck smoking my pipe (the pipe is how you know I'm a thoughtful, philosophical individual).

Something that I have greatly struggled with recently over my Christmas break is being charitable and patient towards my family members. I have been working on this, but not with a lot of apparent progress. The only success I have had has been the fruit of greater devotion to my prayer life. As I sit in God's presence and I let the grace and peace of Christ fill my heart (great here comes the spiritual pride), I find my heart expand with love for my family and my mind takes off the blinders of my selfish mindset. Through prayer, I find that Christ's love has filled my heart so that I have the desire and the ability to love my family members. So, what does this have to do with Mary? Let's go back to the pipe-smoking on the deck.

Today, as I was smoking my pipe under the starry sky, I found myself being drawn into prayer and worship of God. As I was praying, my mind went back to my family and my desire to be charitable towards them. In this moment of prayer, I felt renewed gratitude, appreciation, and love for the individual members of my family. I desired to love, bless, and be with my family as well. During this time of prayer, I also felt the desire to speak to Mary, my spiritual mother, and be in her loving presence. It was at this moment that I made the connection. Our love of Jesus is a love that expands our hearts and our desire to love others, particularly our family. Does it not seem natural that our deepening relationship with Christ will not only lead us to a deeper love of our human family, but also Christ's family, particularly God the Father and Mary his mother? If we are truly becoming one with Christ's heart, will we not begin to truly love Mary as Christ did?

Again, this is not an exhaustive explanation, but I hope this reflection can provide a fresh perspective for you as it did for me.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

James enters the Blogisphere!

After dabbling unsuccessfully with WordPress, I have decided to give into the Google giant and become a Blogger so that I can actually start writing instead of dabbling (it's much more user-friendly). What I hope to do in this blog is share my thought, reflections, and arguments on a variety topics ... hopefully topics of significance; you can be the judge of that. Feel free to leave your comments, rebuttals, encouragements, criticisms, and carefully-worded insults (Shakespearean insults are appreciated).

I want to consecrate this blog to all that is true, good, and beautiful and to the One where all Truth, Goodness, and Beauty finds its source and fulfillment.

James Lohrmann